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Temperature Control and Solar-charging Motorization Make Off-grid Living Sustainable

When Quita Jackson of GreenDesert.org realized that her off-grid shipping container home in Texas needed some heating and cooling improvements, she gave solar power a try.

Quita was initially drawn to Eclipse Luxury Shades powered by Somfy because of the eco-friendly designs available. GreenDesert.org is “dedicated to sustainable living by using simple techniques that lessen the footprint on the environment,” which means they consistently seek to use products and work with companies that are committed to protecting the environment. Not only do Somfy motorization solutions help customers practice efficient energy consumption to lessen environmental impact, but Somfy also focuses on eco-design for every stage of the products’ lifecycles through the Act for Green initiative.

Quita had been using paper shades for all her windows for about 2 years when she decided to upgrade to motorized shades. While paper is an environmentally friendly material, and the shades worked for privacy, they did not provide any energy benefits. Before all the shades could be raised in the mornings, the lack of sunlight prevented the container from warming up. But on those bright afternoons, the sun created a lot of heat inside the home, even once melting a favorite candle!  

With professionally installed motorized shades, Quita found that the home’s temperature could be much better regulated. In fact, after installation Quita shared, “We measured the temperature change, and the shades made the containers 8 degrees cooler. The shades are programmed in groups as well as all together so that Quita can move the shades to work with the sun for optimal energy efficiency. In the mornings, touching a button from bed will bring up the shades to let the sun create natural warmth. But later in the afternoon when that Texas heat can quickly become sweltering, the shades come down to block the sun’s rays and maintain a comfortable temperature. 

Now, motorized window shades may not sound conducive to off-grid living, which was one of Quita’s initial concerns. But she was pleasantly surprised to learn just how energy efficient Somfy motors truly are. The long-lasting lithium-ion batteries perform for about 12 months between charges depending on usage, which means they have a minimal impact on household electricity. Additionally, Eclipse took the installation a step further by adding Solar Panel Kits to charge the motors on all the south-facing windows and the solar panel connected motors will not need any electrical charging! 

Quita also noted the convenience of controlling the motorized shades through Wi-Fi for added convenience and security. For now, she is thrilled that with just the touch of a button on the remote, this “off-grid home feels like a smart Jetsons home” and appreciates being able to seamlessly add Wi-Fi integration at any time.  

Going off-grid isn’t the only way to commit to a more sustainable lifestyle. Everyone can make a positive impact on the environment by making conscious daily choices. As GreenDesert.org says, “we help solve tomorrow’s problems with today’s lifestyle.” For many, that means upgrading the energy efficiency right in the home you have now. Somfy motorized shades can help you leverage the sun as a natural resource to heat your home and power your shades. Contact a Somfy Expert Dealer in your area to start making your home more energy efficient and eco-friendly. 

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